Archeology in Frisia

Geography is the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments. Geographers explore both the physical properties of Earth's surface and the human societies spread across it. Historical geography is the study of the geographies of the past and how the past is represented in geographies of the present. This website explores Frisia Ulterior, benorth the Old Rhine, and Frisia Citerior beneath the Old Rhine.

0. Castra Vetera - Traiectum - Utrecht - Castellum Veteris Traject 
or the Castle Utrecht also Vidrus now Vecht into Zandvoort

1. Wedrou - Zandvoort - Estuary of the Vidrus coming
from Castra Vetera now the the city of Utrecht
along Haarlemmermeer to Haarlem

2a. Ascal - Angstel River - from Breukelen (Breuklijn) into the Amstel
at Amsterdam on the Vidrou or Vecht track out of Castra Vetera

2b. Ascalingion - Kamperhoofd and Kamperbrug - The Roman camp in 
Amsterdam at The Nabalia (Oude Waal) and Ascal (Angstel, Amstel) Rivers 
at the Amstel Ingang or Ingewoonden

3. Navalia - Nautic Velsen - The Naval Camp 
archeology Site 1 in Velsen and Site 2 in Castricum

4. Insula Flevo - Kampereiland - The Roman location opposite 
Kampen originating the Issel River or Flevum

5. Mararmanis Litus - Camperduin - Sea Marines or Coast Guard 
at the seashore limes southern the Nabalia Estuary (also see 2 and 3)

6. Mediolanum - Middenlaan (Middlelane) - Hindelopen (Inlopen, Hinnlaufen, Eindelopen) (Inwalking) - Kreupel Wagenpad (Cripple Wagonpath) - A very long Lane from Medemblik into the former Westfrisian Middle Sea (IJsselmeer) onto Stavoren, Hindeloopen (Endwalking) and Lopens (Walking) - Medemelec ende Chinneloes

 7. Tecelia - Texel - The Texel Naval camp at the Mokweg

8. Fleum - Vliestroom - Vliestroom Estuary (also see 4 and 6)

9. Su-at-ut-anda - See Abt out Anda - The former island Atlantis in between Sexbierum 
(the Saxo Biro heim) and Vlieland. The Abt (a noble) is a Seabank with the volcano 
chamber Griend (cry) under the island Abtland (ref. see my Ath oer Alinda Article)

10. Amasiou - Eems - Eems Estuary nearby Bierum


Extra illustrations:

Ptolemaeus Square-Meridian Corrections in Alting work by Heinsius

Frisia by D.I. Hopperus

Batavia and Frisia by A. Buchelius

The Netherlands before the Roman time

The Netherlands in the Roman time

The former Middle Sea in Friesland

The Netherlands in the Roman time

Frisiae Veteris in Atlas Schotanus

The Netherlands in the Roman time
Scaldia in Flandria

Germania Infererior during the Roman expansion

The Lower Countries in the Roman era

The Lower Countries in 724 A.D.

Frisia in the Northwest of Europe around 1000 A.D.

Enkhuizen-Stavoren canal by Nicolaes van Geelkercken 

Frisia in the antiquity by deep satellite photo

The IJssel Lake in depth chart

The Wadden Sea Vliestroom Estuary